Daughter Craft

Norsafe has a wide range of daughter craft designed to operate away from the mother ship or offshore installations for extended periods of time.

The primary function is to search for and rescue persons lost at sea. Effective search and recovery require a fast rescue craft with excellent reliability, manoeuvreability and sea keeping abilities. Combining these functions, Norsafe boats are suitable for all types of marine SAR missions.

The daughter craft are made of GRP and have a low freeboard to facilitate rescue operations, are self-bailing, have ample deck space, a self-righting system, a sturdy foam-filled fender and are supplied with a diesel inboard motor with water jet propulsion unit. Our specially developed davits with shock absorbers and tension system for severe weather allows our rescue boats to be launched from a mother ship even in heavy seas.

We have daughter craft which fully comply according to current IMO requirements and all equipment has been approved in accordance with latest SOLAS and subsequent amendments and EC labeled in accordance with the Marine Equipment Directive.

Typical specification - subject to revision according
to customer requirement.

All products are subject to continuous review. Norsafe as reserves the right to change specification without prior notice.